The Swedish Biobank Act
The Swedish Biobank Act regulates how biobank samples may be collected, preserved and used.
The Biobank Act (2023:38) entered into force on 1 July 2023, replacing the previous Biobank Act from 2003. The Act covers human biological samples (from humans or foetuses) that are intended to be preserved and that can be linked to an individual.
The Biobank Act is intended to protect the person who has provided samples (the sample donor) and strengthen their integrity when collection, storing, and using biobank samples. At the same time, the law will enable samples to be used for , as an example, health care, but also for research in order to improve and develop care by giving medical research access to samples.
A New Biobank Act – a summary (updated on 2023-02-16)
English translation of the Biobank Act (2023:38) (unofficial)
Biobank Sweden is not responsible for any errors in this material or for any damage that may be caused by such errors. If you find inaccuracies in the material, please report these to info@biobanksverige.se.
Link to the official legislation
Biobankslag (2023:38) Svensk författningssamling 2023:2023:38 – Riksdagen (Swedish only)